Our nice creative T-shirt!! so creative~~
Working for creative at suntec IT fair for these past 3 days was pretty fun but very tiring. i tried to promote the webcam till my mouth turn dry and today 8pm the IT fair was supposed to close but we still get pp coming in at 8pm lor... so angry. here we were counting down the hours left to go home and there these pp keep giving us crushed hopes.. But anw, really learn a lot from work!=). Learn how to market n position the product in the best way to satisfy customers' curiousity n psycho them to buy. Also learn how to bluff with confidence when customers ask me something i am clueless abt. Really feel bad abt it after that but hahah, who cares.. After tmlo everything shall be over=))))). Shall not work anymore. Shall start preparing for WORLD CUP le!!!

Feeling safe at the IT fair. have 4 security guards frens at suntec guarding!! how not to feel unprotected lol.
however, this one <---- is a useless piece of shitt lor phuahaha!! just kidding..
Wahhhh, today's free dinner was the nicest of all. A japanese bento set!!! impressed! even have chicken, fish and pork tg with the teriyaki sauce, 10x better than sakae sushi bento set lor! yum yum. After work, rush off to have another second helping of dinner. This time at Thai express at colours by the bay.. n the food there sucks. just dun go there next time!! Saw good old jude! he's still alive!feeling:
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