Yesterday, i went to creative resource hq for training for my next job!!^^, hurray=)) so interesting!!!!, can't wait to start new work next wk!!! i must say i was very impressed by the place, even me an technology idiot can get so fascinated so easily!
Damnit for the first time, i was too early for the training, hehe maybe bcos i am too eager to learn ba. While waiting for mine hall pp to come, i was resting comfortably on the deluxe sofa. Then <--this thing was staring at me hahahaha: so shiok, feeling so relaxed now, then plus the dim lightings, airy atmosphere n soothing music, i almost knocked off.
n guess wat, next week i am finally going to become a creative promoter at suntec whahah though i dun really support creative stuffs. Expensive n not unique since so many pp r buying them..
But cham i was supposed to psycho pp to buy digi cams but end up being psychoed myself. Hmm, should i buy this($149+ ) <----affordable n so worthwhile:

or shd i settle for a more ex one Divi Cam 525D($349+) recently just launched de<---- so much more ergometric n more additonal features, >< hmm.. or shd i save up to buy a keyboard piano!!?
How????????????????????=//// or both?omg.......
In a : dilemma